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The Sci-Fi & Fantasy Shelf
Welcome to Dark Owl's Sci-Fi and Fantasy section! Our goal is to provide quality storytelling that is timeless and universal. We are really excited to provide sci-fi series exclusive to Kindle, collections of sci-fi and fantasy stories, and even a few novels!
Dark Owl's SF/F books are on Amazon in paperback and on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!

Just About Anyone
by Carl R. Jennings
High fantasy comedy from a pleasantly twisted mind.
We aren't publishing this book anymore, but we still highly recommend it, and we'll have more coming from Carl in the future! To buy the book, please contact Carl here!

The Malakiad
by Gustavo Bondoni
A hilarious mythological misadventure!
We aren't publishing this book anymore. We still highly recommend it, and we'll have more work from Gustavo in the future! You can email Gustavo here to get your copy of The Malakiad!
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